Tuesday, April 2, 2013

7 Months

I sure love having our little girl.  I simply can't get enough of her......

Weight: I completely forgot to weigh her
Length:and obviously didn't measure her...
Favorite Toy: Stuffed animals, Jenny Jump Up, her soft foam like bath toys (she can't get enough of those especially when she was teething).
Favorite Food: Everything.  She is trying way more foods now and is loving all of them.  Still haven't found anything she will refuse to eat or not like.  She loves drinking water too especially out of her sippy cup.
Favorite Game: She is really loving her mommy only right now which I love but has made Chris feel kind of bad.  She does like to play this "punch and kick daddy game and he goes flying"  It is pretty funny.  He pretends to wrestle with her and she does the "Atomic Diaper Drop".  : )
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping at least 8 hours a night.  We get a random night here and there where she wakes up and stirs a little, has a little whimper here and there but usually goes back to sleep within a short few minuets.
New Skills: No crawling yet but rolls to where she wants to go.  She can sit really well for really long periods of time, reach forward to get a toy and only use her tummy muscles to sit back up. Holding her bottle which is awesome.  
Size of Clothes: 6 month clothes to 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

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