There was a fun reception the evening before where Chris and I got to mingle and have a few drinks while Chris' mom watched Brielle for us. All I could think about was my little girl the whole time though. It's hard to be away from here, I mean she was almost three weeks old and I had already abandoned her for a drink or two (well that's what was going through my head anyway). Little Rock did make Chris convinced 100% that he did not want to ever move there over this weekend so my tiny dream I once had of moving right smack in the middle of our families was kind of blow out of the water. I guess Tulsa will have to do for now.
Brielle was awesome on her the ride there and on the way home. We had a great weekend with Chris' mom as well and I know she enjoyed being with her sweet granddaughter. IT is fun to hear stories from Chris' mom about what Chris was like when he was a baby. It is cute to hear the similarities between him and Brielle and what Chris' mom says worked for her when he was a baby. It's nice to have our moms around to give us advice. We might not always use it because it may not "work" for us, but they have told us a few things that we never thought of before that have come in handy so fists bumps for that!
Chris giving his presentation. There was about 15 people or so that came and they all asked great questions. HE made us all laugh but that was pretty much expected. ; )
He kept Brielle entertained, can't you tell.
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