Thursday, February 16, 2012

So Sleepy....

I am kind of liking this whole pregnant thing and then sometimes I am like "Man, I really want it to be over."  So sleepy all the time and feel like I am getting nothing accomplished that I need to.  The first thing I want to do when I get home is fall asleep on the couch or eat and then fall asleep.  Chris and I are totally mall walkers when it is cold outside so we do that a lot to help me stay awake.  I'm still super giddy about the baby and really really have felt like it is a GIRL since the day I have found out.  Surprisingly Chris has felt like it is a girl as well so we have only thought about girl names.  He really would love a little boy but I know he is going to melt in a huge puddle of mush if it is a baby girl.  We have two dogs right now, one female one male, and he is wrapped around our little female dogs paw (she is a freaking dog, imagine what he will do when it is his own flesh and blood)!  I can't wait though, he is going to be a pretty exceptional father if I do say so myself.  So I felt around 8 1/2 weeks I started to get a little pouchy and took a quick picture of myself in the mirror....may just be I ate more that day and look fatter than normal but oh well I am going to say it is because I'm smaller and it is the baby ; )

Around 10 weeks we went to the mall to buy a present for my friends birthday. I decided to wear a tighter shirt than I have been wearing out since the beginning pregnancy belly isn't very flattering in my mind.  Don't mind my Braums cup, I really, really wanted frozen yogurt but even before I was pregnant I always wanted frozen yogurt with pecans and strawberries in it.

Atleast I can still wear my jeans : )  We will see how long that lasts.....

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