I can not believe my little baby girl is already twelve months old. Where did the time go? How did she grow so fast? How did she learn all these new things in only one year? Isn't life amazing?!?!
This past year has really taught Chris and I so many things. Not only the obvious "How to be a Parent" type things, but also a lot about patience and the value of our time together as a family. We really have tried to maintain the lifestyle we had pre-baby and for the most part I really think we did a good job at it. I think our friends feel bad sometimes asking us to do things that we can't join in since we don't have a sitter but I really think they understand that we have to do whats best for our little bit. Being new parents, both of us working full time, both having second jobs/ hobbies and finding time for each other has been a learning process. We sure have enjoyed having little bit in our lives though. She is a joy, a blessing and so much fun!
Weight: 24.9
Favorite Toy: She loves balls. Throwing them, crawling to them, holding them. Everything about balls she loves.
Favorite Food: Chicken, green beans, black beans, bell peppers, avocado, blueberries. I mean I could go one for a long time.
Favorite Game: Peak-a-boo by far. She plays with people she knows, strangers us....she plays all the time.
Sleeping Habits: This girl is a champ. Sometimes we try and rock her to sleep (to get a little sweet cuddle time in which is usually done by her daddy). Sometimes she lays on you for awhile and then points at her bed or almost does a nose dive meaning "I'm really just ready do lay down now."
New Skills: She is walking a few steps here and there. She is almost to the point where she wants to walk a bunch but I think she is still a little timid.