Saturday, January 21, 2012



The Bouldin Compound is about to have one more additional Bouldin, WE ARE PREGNANT!!!  Big surprise for us considering we were somewhat wanting to wait til our one year anniversary in Ireland to start trying *apparently trying to be awesome Catholics and doing NFP does not work for us*.  Surprised as we were, we are both thoroughly excited about this sweet little gift. 

Here is the low down on how we found out.  My body was trying to tell me I was pregnant supposedly when I was only two weeks along although I had no clue what in the world was going on with me.  Four weeks into the pregnancy I had actually gone to the emergency room because I was in a shit ton of pain and they actually tested to see if I was pregnant while I was there, they got a big fat negative.  We both signed in relief even though Chris told me he would have been fine if I really was (little did we know we would find out very soon I was 100% knocked up).  Turns out, when a healthy young female is crying in her sleep and goes to the emergency room because her husband is terrified something is completely wrong with her the doctors will just tell you they don't know what it is and it will probably just go away within a few weeks.  I actually left a little mad at 2:30 in the morning *very very upset knowing we had to soon pay tons of money for no reason* and was leaving to go up to New England the next day.  While visiting my family I was still in tons of pain each day with everyone trying to help me in anyway they could.  Each day that passed my mom grew more and more nervous and continued to ask me if we could go buy another pregnancy test to check because with each day of pain was one more day I was LATE.  I wanted to wait to take the test with Chris since it could be our first child.  She understood even if she didn't want to wait.  Oh funny side note, my brother was also with us while we visited our family.  He was also wondering with the rest of us if I was expecting so he decided to investigate himself.  The one and only question he asked was if I was craving pickles, I told him I was not so he then decided for himself I probably wasn't pregnant then.  Oh the things 18 year old boys think.

So I came back home kind of late on a Sunday night.  After texting a couple of my friends that I thought I might be prego they begged me to hurry and drink water to take the test that night instead of waiting til morning.  I chugged and chugged water and eventually I had the urge.  I nervously took my test and within seconds the results were in.....

My initial thoughts were "Oh My Goodness....I can't believe this....wait, is my life over now?!?!?!"  I walked out to the living shaking and smiling from ear to ear holding the test and Chris knew what it said without looking at it.  For some odd reason while at the emergency room when they told us I wasn't pregnant I thought for some reason they were wrong, can't say why or even say I wanted to be pregnant without a doubt, I just had a feeling they were wrong!  Chris had already told two of his guy friends while I was out of town he was 99% sure I was pregnant....he has his reasons for knowing I was pregnant.  His biggest reason for "thinking" I was pregnant is his description of how my eating habits had changed.  He had been making quite a lot of comments lately of how much food I was eating which were actually making me mad a lot but I just thought I was eating when I was hungry and there was nothing wrong with it.  Chris describes my eating style as "She was eating man sized portions every couple of hours".  Thanks Chris! 
We went to the doctor five days later (January 13th, actually Friday the 13th) to confirm and found out we were 5 1/2 weeks along with a due date of 9-11-12 (such great dates for our baby....eeekkkkkk).  Now it was time to plan on how to tell our parents.  I had already planned a way to share the news it was just a matter of gathering all the supplies.  We sent boxes to our parents with a card, a picture of the test and two cute little baby booties (one blue and one pink since we don't know yet what we are having).  The boxes were mailed out on a Tuesday and everyone received them on a Friday. 

Waiting for everyone to get them was SO hard.  I wanted to just shout it out and tell every single person but that feeling subsided after a few weeks.  When our parents found out they were ALL so very excited.  Immediately my parents started thinking of what they wanted the baby to call them since it will be the first and Chris' family were just excited to get a second grandchild! 

Here's to our pregnancy journey and all the new things that are about to change in our life.  I now realize that my life is not over it will just be so much more awesome and fulfilled!